Monday, 30 July 2012

Know your elements

The twelve astrology signs are grouped into four essential elements to which life would not be possible without. They are air, fire, water and earth. Each of these four elements has characteristics independent to each that the twelve astrology signs are based upon. The symbolism is so exact that the element that your astrology sign lies under greatly influences your personality traits and your characteristics. All of the elements must work in sync with each other so that one does not get out of control, they have to co-exist peacefully in order to sustain a balance in life. That is what astrology signs are about, balancing yourself and others in the game of life.

Fire: The most immediate and traditionally "masculine" of the elements, fire is about reaching out and making a direct and impact on the world. It desires intimate and authentic experience. Fire relates to the "Choleric" temperament, representing enthusiasm, spirit, passion, will, activity, expression, purity, extroversion, creativity, force, the ideal. The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. When fire is strong in the horoscope there is a focus on being here and now, and on the flow of spirit from the inside to the outside. There is vitality and often an obsessional quality to every expression of the self.
Earth: The element of "reality", in the sense of what we perceive as the physical plane of existence. It is about sensing; the senses as the apparatus through which we experince the external world. Earth is a grounding substance, enduring and high in density. Earth people come across as rooted, sensual and earthy, with a pragmatic and result-oriented approach to life. Earth relates to the "Melancholic" temperament, representing matter, construction, everyday affairs, form, common sense, security, organization, persistance, business. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Air: The mental or intellectual element. Air conceives of the world as idea, thought and abstract representation. It relates to the "Sanguine" temperament. Air is defined by terms such as communication, movement, relating and social outreaching, reason, logic, idea, versatility, changeability, words and language. When air is strong in the horoscope, the levels of detachment and objectivity increases in strength. Air people prove to be impersonal and flexible, intent on relating, yet may be reluctant to probe deeply into emotional or "heavy" matters. The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Water: The "emotional" element, however confusing it may sound. Water is a unifying substance with less clear boundaries than the other forms, and can seem irrational to others. A strong influence of water in the horoscope adds an internal, introspective dimension to everything, seldom satisfied with surface appearance. It relates to the "Phlegmatic" temperament. The embracing nature of water leads the mind to sensitivity and healing, and to limitless spheres of depth and mystery. Imagination, inspiration and intuitive sensing. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Zodiac Signs - Astrology Signs Elements

Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire can do good, like cooking food to eat and keeping us warm or it can do great harm, like burning a house down. Fire is a combustible, unpredictable element, a chemical reaction that can go off easily and quickly go from a small flame to a raging fire. Fire astrology signs can ignite easily too, they are very temperamental however if managed properly, they can be very beneficial. In fact, fire signs must be managed and under control in order to be of benefit. Fire signs can be emotionally volatile yet they are very passionate. Fire can change it's course at an instant, those born under fire astrology signs are very dynamic and like the fire spreading, are the first to set out into the unknown and take initiative with adventurous enthusiasm. Fire is not a physical thing, it is quite mystical and fire astrology sign people apprehend the world through their intuition, they trust their gut instinct (or they should anyway) because it rarely ever leads them wrong. Fire people have a strong sense of self just like fire which has no regard over anything in it's path, fire people are quite self centered but they are moving so fast that they never get stuck on themselves, the fire needs to spread and explore. Fire people are impulsive and just like fire spreading, often leap before they look.


Aries is the first fire sign which means that it's dynamic and temperamental qualities are heightened. Aries astrology represents fire in it's most pure form, being the most active, interested in everything and adventurous, like a small fire that has just been ignited in a fireplace full of kindling. This is where and how Aries childlike qualities and raw enthusiasm originate.


Leo is the middle fire sign, Leo always has to be in the middle, like the sun which happens to be Leo's astrology symbol. Leo loves to be the center of attention and this is where they perform and feel the best. Like the sun, Leo is stable and radiant and helps to keep others under control. Leo is steady, dependable, grand and makes it's presence known. Sagittarius As the final fire astrology sign, Sagittarius leans toward the philosophical, the bottom part of the fire that is mystical and out of reach. Sagittarius is idealistic and creative, the fire energy of Sagittarius astrology is geared towards higher ideals and philosophical, wandering pursuits. Sagittarius is the most gentle of the three fire astrology signs, symbolic of fire slowly going out as it nears it's end.


Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water can be refreshing, like a cool stream or it can be dark and mysterious like the depths of the ocean. Water that is contained is easy to deal with, like swimming pool, water that is un-contained and out of control can do great damage, like a flood. Water signs represent the intuition and emotional aspects because it flows and it's liquid or it could be solid like ice, it can evaporate into air and turn into clouds. Water is complex and a paradox it is everywhere and can be almost anything. Water signs are the most emotional of all signs, they flow down deep and search out crevasses and cracks to explore, symbolic of the unknown emotions of the human psyche. Not only is water is essential to life and covers the whole globe, but water makes up the largest percentage of all living things. Since water is found in everything everywhere, water sign people have a knack for dealing with others, they can see into other people, they understand the motives and needs of other people and to sum it all up, they are borderline psychic and the most in-tune with others. This makes them empathetic, caring and helpful but they are over sensitive and can be easily hurt by others who do not acknowledge the sacrifices that have been made and how deeply involved they really are.


Cancer sign is the first water sign and represents water in it's most basic form. Cancer is genuine, concerned with others, nurturing and the most helpful. When unleashed however, like a river that spills it's banks, Cancer can be very aggressive when the need to defend themselves or someone they love.


Scorpio represents the power that water potentially has. If not properly contained, it can continuously wreak havoc on everything in it's path. Scorpio is full of energy and intensity and is similar to a raging river. Scorpio needs control and has to be under self control, all the energy has to be harnessed to be effective, like putting a hydroelectric dam on the raging river. It provides power and light to cities and protects farmers fields from flooding.


The final water sign is represented by the small creek, by piling up a handful of dirt, you can make it flow another direction, when it rains, it can flow north when it normally flows south because it is overtaken by the rainwater. Pisces is overly flexible and too adaptable. Pisces is very charming, inspirational and mystical, also like the beautiful creek that which artists paint pictures. It is calming and the sound can put you to sleep and mystify you. Pisces is the most spiritual of all the zodiac signs.


Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth is real, you can see it, hold it, smell it. Suitably so, earth signs are very "down to earth" and real. Earth is the foundation on which everything is built. Earth people are solid and stable and composed of many different parts, they are multi faceted people, like the many mineral compounds that make the earth. There is nothing wishy-washy about these people, they do not have their head in the clouds, They are dependable, you know they will always be there and they are stable. Most of the time anyway, more stable then the other elements. Earth does not change. It stays there and allows whatever is growing to continue to grow and progress. Earth people are not fond of change, they like stability and regular life that can grow upon and develop. Why start something new if what is already there is fine? Earth people are the most materialistic and possessive of all astrology zodiac elements. Earth people are also concerned with what's on the surface and never really dig deep to get to the bottom of it, they are happy with what's on the surface.


The first earth sign, Taurus is the most stable and the strongest. Taurus are known for their stubborn nature and their unwillingness to change. Taurus is earthly sensual and wants harmony and happiness, creating it by their surroundings, holding tight to the people and the things in their life. They have a solid foundation and help other to build theirs too, they are dependable, nurturing and wise.


The middle sign is represented by the middle of earth, not quite on the surface and not quite deep down either. Stuck in the middle and indecisive. Virgo lives in their own world on a earthly-mental plane. They observe and think with quick analytical precision, and are flexible, helpful and stable. Virgo is the least physical of the earth signs.


Represented by the lower earth, Capricorn is the earth in it's most basic and purest form. Just like the pure earth is made up of various elements, Capricorn has many sides and takes interest in everything from materialistic possessions to solid to being a powerful status symbol. Sort of like the depths of the earth, Capricorn is mysterious and deep. They can be dark, not in a malicious sense, but in a depressed sort of way since they are very conservative and have a difficult time with pleasure since they are so concerned and involved in their work and the more serious aspects of life.

Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air is the element that you cannot touch or see, but it can be mysteriously contained, like blowing up a balloon. When it is contained in this way, it somehow escapes or gets stale. Air people are free and cannot be contained or this same thing will happen to them. Air is uncertain and unpredictable, it can spawn a horrendous thunderstorm with violent winds and the pressure drops and raises by the minute. Air sign people are elusive in this way, they are unpredictable and eccentric. Air is the most necessary element, being necessary to fire, earth and water. Air people live in their mind. They are caught up in their thoughts which take them high to new levels where no other element can reach, like the upper atmosphere. Here they can formulate theories, solve problems clearly and see the world below. Air people are said to be out of touch with reality, but they are also very advanced in thinking. They are very mental oriented people having a knack for intelligence but also lacking emotional depth.


The first air sign, Gemini is the most flighty, like the wind that forms a dust devil, picking up debris, swirling with it and then letting it go, exploring off to another region. When forced to slow down, it cannot for long and does not know what to do, marked by the known Gemini trait of indecisiveness. Gemini never feels complete and the Gemini, the sign of duality is always on the search for something, trying to find that one person or thing that will complete them. Gemini is the sign of communication, they want to know everybody and everything, like the wind that flows forever along the land, surrounding every nook possible on the way.


Libra is represented by air, not moving but the air that circulates slowly that we need to breathe. Bringing harmony, life and balance to the world. Libra wans to be peaceful and essential to the lives of everyone they touch, just like air. Libra wants to form relationships of balance, I give you air, you give me life. This is how important relationships are top the Libra sign.


Aquarius is the last and the highest air element. Aquarius is the powerful force that makes the world go around, like the jet stream. It has the power to change areas and it does, Aquarius is the sign of change and originality. Aquarius seeks understanding and knocking down of barriers, like the jet stream that circulates air from one corner of the world to the other essentially uniting everyone and everything. Aquarius is very unpredictable and erratic, seeking the truth from way up above the rest of the world, Aquarius is the most advanced thinker of the zodiac, like the jet stream is the highest above. Aquarius is concerned with advancing civilization and the future of mankind.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Welcome all.

“Just Jyothishya” A Collective information warehouse for all the astrological news/views & opinions and regular updates on resources and allied articles on astrolgoy. To mark the beginning, we’d want to invite your suggestions/comments to “peel the orange” about Jyothish sastra.

Looking forward to your active contribution !!
  • Ancient Indian Astrology and Modern Science

    Indian astrology is very ancient and regarded as the oldest system of astrology known to mankind. And it is aged more than 5000 BC.  Indian astrology uses the actual constellations of stars, position of planets and Sun as seen in the sky at the time of individual's birth.  The aforesaid is in accordance with the Law of nature (considering the real day, week, month, year so on & so forth). This Law was practiced by the Indian Astrologers and Astrologists from different parts of the world realized the Indian methodology and hence are inching towards the same and some have already executed it.
    Science means knowledge ascertained by observation and experiment, critically tested, systematized and brought under general principles.  Astrology strictly fulfils all these criteria. Unfortunately Astrology is generally considered a pseudoscience or superstition by the scientific community.  In fact, astrology and astronomy were often indistinguishable before the modern era, (After 18th Century they considered as separate disciplines) with the desire for predictive and divine knowledge being one of the motivating factors for astronomical observation.
    Ancient Indian astrology is based upon sidereal calculation. The sidereal astronomy is based upon the stars and the sidereal period is the time that it takes the object to make one full orbit around the Sun, relative to the stars (which is the Law of nature). Ancient Indian astronomers very much know the other two planets which today called as Uranus and Neptune exist in the solar system. With their Divine Yogashakthi, they also calculated their orbit time which is almost in sync with today’s calculation.
    The sidereal period of Uranus (85 Yrs and was found in 1781 by William Herschel) Neptune (165 years and was found in 1846 based on calculations by John Couch Adams in England) is way beyond a normal human’s life span and the distance is quiet far hence the gravitational force have very less impact on Mankind.    But we considered RAHU & KETU as planets.  Modern scientists also ridiculed the practice of associating certain qualities with Rahu and Ketu as they are not real planets but are shadowy. They exist as mathematical entities and are given importance because they are instrumental in calculating eclipses, both Solar and Lunar.   To predict an eclipse, one should remember that an eclipse occurs when Sun and Moon are conjunct and coincide with either RAHU or KETU. Conjunction with RAHU and KETU is important because all three bodies need to be in the same plane.
    Our Astronomers are also certain that, there are some planets which have no significance.  Pluto was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona.  With the help of most modern equipments, scientists declared that, Pluto is no longer considered as a planet from 24th Aug 2006.

    In 2005, worldwide scientists found that, there are similarities between Earth and Mars. Mars also called as KUJA. KUJA means Bhoomiputra (son of earth).  This was noticed by our astronomers many thousands of years earlier.
    Similarly our astrologers found that, Moon controls the mind, and Moon has got water. (Jala tatwa).  Scientist’s findings are also same.   Scientists are proving some things which were already proved before, but are reluctant to accept the same.

    Some of the interesting facts are as below:
    1. The calculation of occurrences of eclipses.
    2. Calculation of Earth’s circumference.
    3. Theory of Gravitation.
    4. Determining that Sun is a star.
    5. Determining that Sun is the centre of Solar System.
    6. Determining the number of planets in the Solar System.
    Some scholars have claimed that the Babylonians invented the zodiac of 360 degrees around 700 BC, perhaps even earlier. Many claim that India received the knowledge of the zodiac from Babylonia or even later from Greece. However, as old as the Rig Veda, the oldest Vedic text, there are clear references to a chakra or wheel of 360 spokes placed in the sky. The number 360 and its related numbers like 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 108, 432 and 720 occur commonly in Vedic symbolism. It is in the hymns of the great Rishi Dirghatamas (RV I.140 – 164) that we have the clearest such references.
    The Greek Calendar has months like:                                                                                                                              
    SEPTEMBER – Means Seventh month in Sanskrit                                               
    OCTOBER– Means Eighth month in Sanskrit                                                                  
    NOVEMBER– Means Ninth month in Sanskrit                                                                 
    DECEMBER– Means Tenth month in Sanskrit.
    But Julius Ceaser and Augusts Ceaser introduced July and August in 46 BC. This shows that Greeks followed Ancient Indian astrology.
    The distances of the Moon and the Sun from the Earth were accurately measured as 108 times the diameters of these heavenly bodies. These are very close to the modern values of 110.6 for the Moon and 107.6 for the Sun, which were obtained using modern instruments. Based on his heliocentric model, Sage Yajnavalkya proposed a 95-year cycle to synchronize the motions of the Sun and the Moon, which gives the average length of the tropical year as 365.24675 days, which is only 6 minutes longer than the modern value of 365.24220 days. This estimate for the length of the tropical year remained the most accurate anywhere in the world for over a thousand years.  All the above were found by our astronomers with their TAPAS SHAKTHI and YOGA SHAKTHI.  There were no Instruments are equipments at that time.  Their findings are very much close to the present results.
    Astronomy was advanced during the Sunga Empire and many star catalogues were produced during this time. The Sunga period is known as the "Golden age of astronomy in India". Around 500 AD, Aryabhata presented a mathematical system that took the Earth to spin on its axis and considered the motions of the planets with respect to the Sun. He also made an accurate approximation of the Earth's circumference and diameter, and also discovered how the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse happen. He found out that the radius of the planetary orbits in terms of the radius of the Earth/Sun orbit is essentially their periods of rotation around the Sun. He was also the earliest to discover that the orbits of the planets around the Sun are ellipse.
    Brahmagupta (598-668) was the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain and during his tenure there wrote a text on astronomy, the Brahmasphutasiddhanta in 628 AD. He was the earliest to use algebra to solve astronomical problems. He also developed methods for calculations of the motions and places of various planets, their rising and setting, conjunctions, and the calculation of eclipses.
    Many Rulers of that time nurtured and encouraged Astronomy, because of which India was in its helm of astronomy. Problem started to India after 10th Century. Foreigners invaded India. Many different systems of astrology were forced to follow.  And our divine science has been carried away.  Our treasured Vedas and Vedangas are kept in mystery by the so called developed countries. We urge Indian scientists to give a sneak preview to our own methodology of ancient Indian Astronomy first and not to depend on any secondary findings conducted elsewhere.